Monday 3 June 2013

Ulam - Thousand Benefits Hidden


Ulam or salad herbs can be found here in Malaysia. We, as a Malaysian can be considered lucky as Malaysia is a country that is rich in its flora and fauna. 20,000 tropical plant species can be found, of which 14,500 are flowering plants while 2,000 are herbs or medicinal plants. Of these, young tender leaves, flowers, fruits, rhizomes, yams or whole plants of about 100 species are eaten fresh as ulam or salad herbs. These are gathered from natural habitats while a few species are planted. Ulams are among the most nutritious vegetables. This is because they are all free from environmental pollution, pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

Among the example of ulam according to its types and its benefits are;

Pegaga - improve the health of the skin, generating intelligence thinking among children and help blood circulation in the body.

Kaduk - contains many nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus and iron the highest of 446.50 compared with other side dish.

 Jering -  Contains  3.5% protein, 1.7% carbohydrate and calcium

 Terung Pipit - High in iron, protein, carbohydrate, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin BI and contain a lot of phosphorus.

Petai - rich in energy resources, namely calcium, iron, vitamin C, protein and carbohydrate

The general benefit of consuming ulam is it can help to increase the fiber intake in our body where this actually can help to lower down the cholesterol and less constipation. salads also can reduce the number of calorie in your body. Furthermore, it provide our bodies with high levels of antioxidants which can lower the possibilities to get illness such as cancer. Other benefits of eating ulam is it can help to clean the blood of toxic materials and strengthen bones. 

Mostly, Malays are familiar with ulam for generations as they believe that ulams keep them healthy and youthful. This is proven as there are scientific evidence that people who eat fresh and wholesome fruits and vegetables (ulam) regularly are healthier and have a lower risk of cancer, cardiovascular and other chronic diseases. 

Below are the examples of ulam that can be made into cooking. As you can see, with a little bit of knowledge, you can turn ulam into yummy delicacy!!!

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